Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), is an international conference on the theme of development in Africa. The Government of Japan has been leading this conference since 1993, co-hosted by United Nations, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), World Bank and African Union Commission (AUC). African leaders and heads of international and regional organizations participate in this conference.
The 8th TICAD (TICAD 8) will take place in August this year. Leading to TICAD 8, its Ministerial Meeting was virtually organized on 26-27 March, and Multi-Sectoral Dialogue was organized as a side-event of the Ministerial Meeting on 5th April. Aligned with the concept of the TICAD Ministerial Meeting, the Multi-Sectoral Dialogue discussed emerging priorities by looking ahead to the post-COVID-19 era and by focusing on the following three areas.
・Theme 1: Achieving sustainable and inclusive growth with reduced economic inequalities
・Theme 2: Realizing sustainable and resilient society based on human security
・Theme 3: Building sustainable peace and stability through supporting Africa’s own efforts
In this dialogue, Moriko Hori, President of WFWP Japan, reported our vision, activities in Africa, and opinion about Theme 3.

First, she expressed the opinion that women is an essential ingredient in creating a peaceful global society, and shared our vision “empowering women as peacebuilders and leaders in the family to transform the community, nation and world.”
Next, she reported our activities in Africa. Through our 28 years of experience in Africa, we realized that the beneficiaries need not only economic independence or acquisition of knowledge but also mental support. We host “Sisterhood Ceremony” for women to overcome past history and reconcile through becoming sisters. And We provide “Foster Parents Program” to support foster children for completing their studies by exchanging letters, connecting through SNS, and actual visit to them.

Finally, she concluded her speech by expressing that we need to create network for governments, international organizations and NGOs should closely work together to take comprehensive and effective approach for reducing economic inequalities in the region.